Billboards to Visit Colonial America
BILLBOARDS: Come Visit Me in the American Colonies

What is a billboard? A billboard is _________.
Where have you seen one before? I have seen one ____________________.
What do billboards tell you? Billboards tell me _______________________.
Group Project

We will work in our groups to learn more about certain colonial regions in America.

What is the name of the region you studied? I studied _________.
What is one thing you learned about the region you studied today? I learned ____________.
What is a billboard? A billboard is _________.
Where have you seen one before? I have seen one ____________________.
What do billboards tell you? Billboards tell me _______________________.
Group Project

We will work in our groups to learn more about certain colonial regions in America.
What is the name of the region you studied? I studied _________.
What is one thing you learned about the region you studied today? I learned ____________.
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